10 February 2010

Three Times Dope

Sake Bomb
-1 shot of warm sake
-6 oz of cold domestic beer (I used Coors Light because someone left a case at my house during my last party) 

Pour beer into a frosted pilsner glass. Set chopsticks parallel across the top of the glass.  Balance the sake in a shot glass on the chopsticks.  Bang on the table until the shot glass falls into the beer and chug.  Don't expect to feel like a lady when you're done.

As you can imagine I have been crazy busy and life has been a complete whirlwind.  I decided on an awesome awesome awesome condo in Hyde Park (ya know, Barack Obama and Farrakhan's hood? Yeah, that Hyde Park).  I chose this place because of the location, it has a great walk score, and because it had elements that I have always loved about my homes.  I love old fixtures and a building that has some history, but it's also very modern with stainless steel and granite everything. It also has something that I've coveted for like eva' - exposed brick. I heart exposed brick.  Don't worry kids - I'll be sure to have virtual housewarming in a few months, and I'll show the place off.

So now I have the place, and I have the date.  All's I gotta do now is just move.

Oh, and party.

I've already mentioned my Rock Kicking Party, but I've decided to do a three part extravaganza that I'm calling Three Times Dope.  It's my birthday party/girls night in/going away party all wrapped into a 3 day event that's sure to give out nothing but good memories and hangovers.  So why the sake bomb?  Part 1 is a private karaoke party at Yakitori Boy

mmm sake.