31 May 2010

Boy Talk


2 oz white rum
1 oz blue curacao
2 oz guanabana nectar
1 tbsp sweetened lime juice

Mix all ingredients in a cocktail shaker over ice (if you haven't noticed by now, 99% of my drinks involve a cocktail shaker) and shake it like you're starring in a Shake Weight commercial.
Pour into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a maraschino cherry.

Sip and think and sip and think...

So I haven' really gotten around to talking about the boys.  Some have a super long and complicated history and frankly, I just haven't had the time (or wanted to give them the energy) of going into detail.  But tonight I received a message from one of them and it got me going.

His name is Brady.  We dated on and off and on and off for 5 years. We have an insanely complicated history that includes pain and heartache and tears.  It also had joy and laughter and (lawd knows) pleasure.  In the end (I say "end" gingerly because who knows when it will ever really end?) we weren't on the same page.  I wanted to settle down and start a family. He did not.  I decided that I couldn't go on any further knowing that I wouldn't be happy with the tumultuous nature of what we had.  It was like he only wanted the things that I wanted when I threatened to take them and me away. 

The Chicago move was made easier by our last year.  I think that I did more crying that year than any other and when I gave him an ultimatum to move forward or move on he called my bluff.  I honestly think that he thought that me relocating was all bullshit. After all, not many people uproot their entire lives and move 750 miles away with no support system and for what seems to be no apparent reason.  It's not like I was going away to school or HAD to move for a job (we all know how that worked out).  But he was wrong. Before I left I refused to see him.  He kept saying that we needed closure. Unbeknownst to him I'd had my closure when I decided to start interviewing and apartment hunting in Illinois.  He would send me text messages and drive by my house testing whether or not I had actually left.  Then one day he drove by and there was a moving truck outside.  I don't think that he knows that I saw him, but I did.  I think of him often.  I was so close to calling him a few days ago just to tell him that I missed him, but I didn't.  It wouldn't have been healthy for me or helpful to what my new reality is.  I'm moving forward with everything in my life and old relationships need not be resurrected.  

Then tonight I got a text message (I set it so that all of his calls go directly to voicemail) and he said that he wants all of the things that I want.  That he was ready to settle down and ready to start a family with me. That the timing was off before, but now it's right.

His timing...

I told him that he was 3 months too late and to have a good night.

And now I'm crying and thinking and writing, and it's 2005 and 2006 and 2007 and 2008 and especially 2009 all over again.

27 May 2010

Amber Alert

Amber Alert

2oz Canadian Whisky
1oz Honey Liqueur
1oz Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
2oz Water

Combine all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake it like it stole something.  Pour over cracked ice into a Collins glass. Garnish with a slice of lemon, or if you want to get fancy use one of those honeycomb stick dealies.


Alice where the hell have you been???

As you can imagine a LOT has happened since the offer came through and I went apartment hunting. I'm in the airport now, so I'll give a condensed version of events.  About a month before I was supposed to start my new job (2.5 weeks before I packed up a moving truck and gave Philly the heave-ho) I was informed that the department that I was to be overseeing was "restructured" and that the position that I was offered "no longer existed".

Who the fu -


Livid does not even describe how I felt. Mind you, I had already placed a non-refundable deposit on my apartment, reserved and paid a deposit on a moving truck and had multiple going away parties.  All that was left was to hand in my resignation, pack up my house and hit the road. Again, I ask... WHAT??

When my anger and resentment subsided, prayer and good effin' friends set in.  I decided that with the emotional support of my friends, the financial support of my savings and the wherewith all to become a Chicagoan, I was going to go anyway.

So that's what I did.  I turned in my resignation, packed up my house and hit the road.  16 hours later (google maps lies terrible and vicious lies) I pulled in front of my building and smiled.

I was home.

Now newly unemployed and ineligible for unemployment benefits, what was I to do? uhh... get a job.  Now granted, I'm in a field that is somewhat particular, so while that doesn't necessarily mean that there are jobs a plenty, it's a small professional circle and I have a pretty good reputation.  So I started interviewing.  And while I interviewed I did some consulting that while not as much as I was used to making, helped me and the cat from surviving off of the same food.

Then nearly two months to the date of my arrival into the windy city I got an offer for an awesome job and I started this week.

So here I am in the airport (my new job requires tons of travel, which I love) on my way home.

To Chicago :-).

It was a little rough, but so worth it.  I finally shut up and put up and I couldn't be happier.