27 May 2010

Amber Alert

Amber Alert

2oz Canadian Whisky
1oz Honey Liqueur
1oz Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
2oz Water

Combine all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake it like it stole something.  Pour over cracked ice into a Collins glass. Garnish with a slice of lemon, or if you want to get fancy use one of those honeycomb stick dealies.


Alice where the hell have you been???

As you can imagine a LOT has happened since the offer came through and I went apartment hunting. I'm in the airport now, so I'll give a condensed version of events.  About a month before I was supposed to start my new job (2.5 weeks before I packed up a moving truck and gave Philly the heave-ho) I was informed that the department that I was to be overseeing was "restructured" and that the position that I was offered "no longer existed".

Who the fu -


Livid does not even describe how I felt. Mind you, I had already placed a non-refundable deposit on my apartment, reserved and paid a deposit on a moving truck and had multiple going away parties.  All that was left was to hand in my resignation, pack up my house and hit the road. Again, I ask... WHAT??

When my anger and resentment subsided, prayer and good effin' friends set in.  I decided that with the emotional support of my friends, the financial support of my savings and the wherewith all to become a Chicagoan, I was going to go anyway.

So that's what I did.  I turned in my resignation, packed up my house and hit the road.  16 hours later (google maps lies terrible and vicious lies) I pulled in front of my building and smiled.

I was home.

Now newly unemployed and ineligible for unemployment benefits, what was I to do? uhh... get a job.  Now granted, I'm in a field that is somewhat particular, so while that doesn't necessarily mean that there are jobs a plenty, it's a small professional circle and I have a pretty good reputation.  So I started interviewing.  And while I interviewed I did some consulting that while not as much as I was used to making, helped me and the cat from surviving off of the same food.

Then nearly two months to the date of my arrival into the windy city I got an offer for an awesome job and I started this week.

So here I am in the airport (my new job requires tons of travel, which I love) on my way home.

To Chicago :-).

It was a little rough, but so worth it.  I finally shut up and put up and I couldn't be happier.

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