16 November 2010

suits and resumes and thank you cards oh my!

Prom Juice

1 oz dark rum
1 oz honey brandy
2 oz guanabana nectar
1 oz cranberry juice
1 tsp fresh squeezed lime juice
3 frozen cranberries

Mix ice and all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake it like a screaming baby [seriously folks, don't ever shake babies. It's not cool.  Pinch them slightly under the arm...]
Strain into a chilled martini glass and float the frozen cranberries.


So guess who feels like the popular girl at the prom?  No, I didn't get asked to chaperon a high school dance, but I did happen to get two job offers today.

Say what?

I haven't been updating not because I've been busy - hell I don't didn't have a job, but because in addition to interviewing, I've been working on some other projects that I'll be excited to reveal in the coming months [be patient my precious] AND ironically, I've also been shopping.  I'm completely addicted to Groupon and Sugar Mama has already had to text me out of unplanned and un-budgeted Target purchases, but thankfully that being responsible and spending wisely foolishness will soon come to an end because I have a new job!

Once I formally accept it, that is.

I was leaving one location today where they had just offered me the job and I explained that I wanted to sleep on it before I accepted when my phone rang and it was location #2 also offering me a position.  Both are awesome and the pay is somewhat comparable, so I'd like to think about it a little more before I make a final decision.  I'm pretty sure which one I'm going to go with, but it's great to know that not only 1, but 2 places think that I'm the bees knees.

And I'm inclined to agree :-)