12 July 2009

Who do I have to *bleep* to get "driary" in Webster's?

Alice's Half & Half
~2 shots of Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka (any flavor, but I like the original. They don't sell Jeremiah Weed up here, but if you can get it, use that instead)
~Fresh squeezed juice from 1/2 of a lemon
~1 shot of Skyy Citrus (or any citrus vodka will do)
~2 packets of Splenda (or Equal. Just not Sweet & Low, cuz that shit's nasty)
~2 1/2 shots of cold water
~1 shot of Cointreau (or any cheap triple sec)

Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Pour into a mason jar filled with cracked ice and garnish with a slice of lemon. Sit on your back porch and sip slowly. No porch? Sit by a window that faces some grass and have at it.

I used to blog like crazy. Well let me reiterate, I didn't "blog", I used to write in an online diary that although it was open for all the world to see, I treated like my personal, under the mattress, flimsy lock, hearts dotting i's diary. That love affair lasted for good 5+ years, until some crazed lady found it, decided to fuck with my livelihood (whelp, there goes my profanity free vow) and I ended up shutting it down. Everything in my life remained in tact, and that bitch, as far as I know, is still crazy.

I don't regret having a diary that was open for all to see, because I know that I touched a lot of people, and I was touched by a lot of people, and not in the slutty mardi gras way either. It was therapeutic for me, and frankly that's why I'm back. I don't know exactly what direction I'm going with this blog (ugh, that word skeeves me out. I have to call this something else. Like a dlog - a drink log. Or driary - drink diary...meh), but I know at least two things. There will be lots of talk about the stuff I love and hate, and lots of drink recipes.

So... about me...

I'm a 30something lady who actually has a responsible professional job. No husband (yet), no kids (yet), single as all get out (this is starting to get sad), living the city life in that of Brotherly Love. I have a few degrees and plan on become Dr. Somebody-or-other by 2012. Not MD, because I don't do blood, but an Ed.D. will do just fine. I used to party like a rockstar, now I just travel like one, but it's mostly for work. I have curves for days and I'm happy to be nappy. Entertaining in my home for friends and family is a true passion and I can mix a mean (albeit strong) cocktail. I have an unhealthy obsession with mascara, curry powder and decorating my home, and I shed a single tear every time I forget my ipod.

This complicated, beautiful mess is Alice. That's me.

Stayed tuned.

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