15 September 2010

Somebody get me a stick!

Golden Shower

1 oz vodka
1 oz mango margarita mix
1 tbsp of fresh squeezed lemon juice
ginger ale

Put 2 ice cubes in an old fashioned glass and fill 1/4 of the way with ginger ale.  Place the glass in the freezer while you mix the rest of the ingredients.  Combine the vodka, margarita mix and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker over ice and shake.  Remove the glass from the freezer and pour mixture over the ginger ale and ice.  Enjoy!

A friend of mine always seems to be amazed by my ability to meet men.  I'm not particularly flirtatious, but I guess I'm always in the right place at the right time...

Right? Well, not exactly.

You see I never have a problem meeting men in general, because I get hit on a lot. BUT most of the men that hit on me are not exactly a catch.  Let's take Nurin who tried his best to charm me on Sunday.  On Sundays I take a dance class on the west side of the city.  It's a beginner's class and I often affectionately refer to it as complete and utter torture as the instructor requires lots and LOTS of energy.  Sometimes I also call it the reason I get to eat cookies on Sunday nights.  Anyway, so I take mass transit to the class and on this particular day I was waiting for the bus and this guy, later identified as Nurin, struck up a conversation with me.  As we were talking, I did a head to two scan and couldn't help but notice that he was clutching a slightly mangled brown paper bag that was twisted around something with a very high alcohol content.  That coupled with his very Easy E-like hairstyle pretty much sealed his fate in my future.  But he was chatty and the bus was late.

Between sips Nurin inquired about my "accent".  Apparently not possessing a bit of a country twang is a dead giveaway that you're not a native Chicagoan.  I told him that I was from Philly and he asked what kind of stuff people in Philly like to do.

"Not really any different from here.  You know, go out, movies, sports, etc..."
My answer seemed suitable for him, and then Nurin decided to share his interests with me:
"Yeah... I'm into some of that stuff too.  Well I don't really go out like that, but you know I like to go to movies, have a drink or two [CLEARLY]... and I also like golden showers.  Do you like golden showers?"  
WOW. And this was minute 4 of our conversation. Needless to say, when pee-boy suggested that I hand him my phone so that he could program his number I emphatically declined.

So meeting men - not a problem.  Keeping them from desiring my urine - problem.

Being single sucks.


  1. lmao!! i'm going to add golden showers to my, "what are you interested in" responses just to see ppls reaction.

  2. I should've taken his picture so you would get the full effect
