12 April 2011

Because he's new-new


2oz Nuvo
1oz Hypnotiq
2oz Diet Lemon Lime Soda
Lemon wheel

Mix all ingredients in a hurricane glass over ice. Garnish with the lemon wheel. Stir gently and enjoy!

And then there was him.

Remember the New Guy?  Well he's still around, but he's sort of taken a back seat.  I still like him and we still go out occasionally, but he actually tried to throw a test at me. ME!  I don't know if I ever told you guys how young he was, but he's pretty young so when he tried to actually test me, he got his feelings hurt.

One fine fine *ahem* post coital morning, we were laying around his place when we realized how late he was going to be for work due to all of the *ahem* coitus.  I had my dance class on his side of town (ironically it's the neighborhood that I currently live in) and his job was on my side of town, so I was going to hang out at his house until my class started.    Because he was running late, he wanted me to iron his pants while he showered...
But that's not what he asked.
Instead of saying 
"Hey Alice, after all of that sweet sweet lovin' could you do me a solid and iron my pants while I wash my sweaty, sexy, musky manhood?"
 He said
"I sure wish there were two of me so that I can shower and iron at the same time..."
 I'm a grown ass woman dog. I ain't fittin' to call no man Delicious Just come out and say what you want.  I'm from Philly and we don't do subtle.  So when I didn't jump off of the couch and grab the iron, I could literally see our relationship shifting into a slow, but steady downward spiral.

So he's still around, but I certainly am not holding my breath for a chance to press his pants.  Particularly when I've been getting *ahem* pressed by someone new. Nu-Nu. (by the by, if you haven't figured it out by now, when I say *ahem* I'm about to talk about sex.)

I met Nu-Nu at a club of all places.  I had gone to see Anthony David sing some songs that I know and some that I did not, and I ran into a guy that I had met there a few weeks before.  I was half hanging out by myself and half with the other guy when the DJ started playing some music I wasn't familiar with.  People seemed to really be enjoying themselves (including other guy), but hell they go crazy over Too $hort here, so I stopped trying to figure out music in this city.  So I'm standing there a little awkward like when I spied with my little eye this gigantic being noticing me, noticing him.  He gave me the "I don't know what they hell they're playing either" look and that was all she wrote.

Well, not really because I have more to say.  So without getting into a play by play, the evening ended well (no not that well sluts). Barring work and other unavoidable instances, we've been pretty inseparable and things have eventually gone that well. Hubba hubba.

He's built just like I like them - a big ol' hunk of man. 6'4", makes me feel tiny when I stand next to him and when we *ahem* he likes to pick me up and toss me around and... well you get my drift. And we've been doing okay.  It's too soon to count all my chickens, but I actually like this one enough to give him a name. Nu-Nu.

Get it? Got it? Good.


  1. Um, I'm confused did you meet Nu-Nu when you were with New Guy and if so, how did you pull that off? More importantly, did I see New Guy's picture or Nu-Nu's picture, cause...

    hubba hubba

  2. LOL - the first pic I sent was Nu-Nu. I wasn't with New Guy (although that feat would not totally be out of my realm, since I'm slick like that), I was with uhh (think of of name Alice...) Other Guy. Yeah, we'll call him Other Guy. We weren't on a date but I think that he's interested, but he's on some moving real slow, playing hard to get mess and I honestly think that I hurt his feelings when he saw me getting digits from Nu-Nu. Oh well... You snooze, you lose.
